Our ability to formulate specific chemistries to treat unique types of contaminated soils, hazardous solids and sludges sets us apart from our competitors. Miller is uniquely equipped to manage large quantities of contaminated soil and has the exclusive ability to receive and sequester batches of soil or sludge on our site.
Miller has the exclusive capability to immediately receive materials without director’s approval and analytical results. This allows Miller to sequester and isolate material 24/7 to mitigate major spills and environmental incidents immediately during emergency response operations. Once the material is received a quality analysis and quality control analysis is performed to determine the appropriate and safe method of treatment.
Examples of treatable solids include, but are not limited to:
• Glycol contamination
• Heavy metal impacted
• Acid or alkali contamination
• Toxic, Environmentally Hazardous
• PFAS and PFOS impacted material
• Flammable Solids
• Chlorinated soil
• Additional contaminants can be acceptable upon review
• Catalysts
Inorganic Waste Processing
Stabilization of metals
Wet or dry inorganic sludge solidification & disposal
Capability to ship some high value metal salts for recycling
Fluorescent tube shredding, stabilization & solidification (or shipping for recycling as requested)
Chemical processing for a vast array of inorganic chemicals
Stabilization of processed chemical residues (salts and metals)
Liquid Organic Waste Processing
Sludge/water separation
Solvent/fuel blending (waste to energy)
Latex paint bulking & solidification (or shipping for recycling as per customer direction)
Oil based paint bulking/fuel blending (waste to energy)
Oil filtering and sludge separation
Solid Organic Waste Processing
Solidification and disposal of oily debris and nonregulated oily materials
Dissolution of solid materials (including pharmaceuticals), preparation for disposal to incineration for specific chemicals
Aerosol processing
Special Waste Processing
Flammable solids
Spent catalyst recycling and/or disposal
Industrial wastewater treatment
Hydrovac sludge/slurry
Chlorate neutralization
Miscellaneous Processing Recycling
Industrial plastic shredding, washing, and recycling
Lead acid and alkaline battery recycling
Solvent recycling
Electronic waste recycling
Industrial container cleaning and Tote recertification
Special Processing Projects
Development of specialized chemistries to treat unique and/or challenging waste streams on a case-by-case basis as part of the Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) Canadian Federal Government initiative.